Klinikë dhe Laborator Dentar Creadent | Dental Clinic and Lab in Tirana


Dental surgery deals with surgeries to treat complex dental problems. These include extraction of damaged teeth, dental implants to replace missing teeth, and surgeries to correct structural defects of the jaw. Dental surgery may also involve procedures to treat advanced gum disease or remove oral tumors.

In this field, our offerings include:

  • Extraction of teeth and roots
  • Extraction of teeth included or semi-included in the bone
  • Alveotomy (removal of the infected apex of a tooth root)
  • Frenulectomy (removal of the lingual frenulum and labial frenulum)
  • Simple extraction (Simple removal of teeth + root)
  • Wisdom teeth extraction (Wisdom teeth removal)
  • Retained teeth extraction (Removal of unerupted or covered teeth in bone)
  • Apicotomy (Removal of the apex of the tooth root)
  • Frenulectomy (Removal of connective tissue from under the tongue or upper gums)

Successfully treated cases